IP Strategy

Our services include planning for strategic investment in available IP, IP protection strategies for brand families, the protection of platform technologies or product pipelines, and commercialisation strategies for exploiting IP. Our services are customised on a case by case basis, however they often include IP audits, freedom to operate analysis (based on commercialisation strategy or go to market strategy), IP protection Gantt charting (aligning timing, costs and rights), and IP protection strategies.

Trade Marks and Domains

Trade mark registration offers the ability to protect your branding and the goodwill associated with your brand. Business name registration and domain name registration unfortunately do not provide brand protection, but trade mark protection can. We provide Australian, New Zealand and international trade mark filing, prosecution and registration services. We also provide advice on domain name registration and acquisition, and advice on the resolution of E-commerce disputes.


Design protection offers the exclusive rights to use and exploit the unique aesthetic appearance of a new product, a new product component or a product’s new packaging. Design registration offers a cost effective option for IP protection as a design can be registered (but not enforced) without the need for substantive examination of an application for compliance with the Designs Act and Regulations. We provide Australian, New Zealand and international designs searching, filing, prosecution and registration services.

Consulting and Analysis

We aggregate and analyse data from our intellectual property, market research and technical searching services to provide insights, analytics and reports on innovation, economic development and the state of the art in fields of technology. Our reports can provide dynamic visualisations or static reports including infographics and trend analyses. We also provide a range of consulting services to further the management and exploitation of IP, including grant and tender preparation, research and development record keeping and reporting, IP policy development and IP management services.

Searching Services

Chiliad’s searching services can reveal whether your technology is already protected, whether it can be protected, or whether another party is infringing your rights. We can also reveal whether your brand is protected by another party, whether it can be protected, or whether another party is infringing your rights. Our searching services include landscape searches, white space mapping, freedom to operate searches, novelty and patentability searches, and design searches, trade mark clearance searches, registrability searches, domain availability searches and monitoring services.


Patent protection offers the exclusive right to the use and exploit a unique function of a new product or technology. To be eligible to be granted a patent, an invention must be novel and inventive and otherwise comply with the Patents Act and Regulations. We provide Australian, New Zealand and international patent filing, prosecution and registration services and any other assistance relating to compliance with the Australian or New Zealand Patents Act and Regulations.

Plant Breeders’ Rights

Plant breeder’s rights offer the exclusive right to produce and exploit plant material from new, recently exploited or essentially derived plant varieties shown to be distinct, uniform and stable. We provide Australian and New Zealand plant breeders’ rights or plant variety rights filing, prosecution and registration services. We also assist in obtaining rights in foreign countries.


We develop and deliver custom IP training programs including training in IP identification, IP strategy, IP processes and IP management. We provide regular workshops for individuals and businesses across a range of IP topics. We provide in-depth masterclasses for IP topics requiring a deep dive. These can be customised and delivered in-house or in a group setting at our offices.

We can provide IP rights filing services, searching services, consulting and advisory services on a fixed cost basis, please contact us to obtain a cost for your specific circumstances. We welcome both Australian and international clients and welcome foreign Attorneys to contact us to obtain our fee schedule.