Growing the skills to manage IP is central to maximising the benefits and minimising the costs in maintaining IP. Our IP training is focussed on providing the knowledge and skills for making informed decisions for the protection of IP and the day to day management of IP. We provide group training sessions and custom training services to develop IP capabilities, including the know-how to develop valuable IP, identify valuable IP, and to respond appropriately to the opportunities afforded by new IP.
Custom training
We develop and deliver custom IP training programs including training in IP identification, IP strategy, IP processes and IP management.
We provide regular workshops for individuals and businesses across a range of IP topics. Our training schedule provides information on upcoming workshops or you can subscribe to our training alerts.
We provide in-depth masterclasses for IP topics requiring a deep dive. These can be customised and delivered in-house or in a group setting at our offices. Our training schedule provides information on upcoming masterclasses or you can subscribe to our training alerts.